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Canadian Nuclear Research Initiative (CNRI)

Canadian Nuclear Research Initiative (CNRI)

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ (CNL) Canadian Nuclear Research Initiative (CNRI) is a program to support collaborative Advanced Reactor (AR) research projects with third-party proponents in Canada. The goal of the program is to accelerate the deployment of safe, secure, clean, and cost effective ARs in Canada.

Annually, CNRI will issue a call for proposals (CFP), and CNL will enter into joint R&D projects based on the results of a review of these proposals. The objective of CNRI is to make CNL’s technical capabilities and expert knowledge available and accessible to the AR community in order to equip them with the technical support required to progress towards AR deployment in Canada.

The benefits of these joint R&D projects will be shared between CNL and the applicant. Work will begin as early as May 2024 and can continue through March 2026.

For more information, or to submit your proposal, email

CNRI Program Timeline

September 25, 2023: CNRI 4th call for proposals opens.

December 15, 2023: Deadline for proposal submission.

Mid-February: CNL informs applicants who have proceeded to next phase of CNRI evaluation.

April 26, 2024: Joint research project scope finalized.

May 2024: Successful agreements announced.

Summer 2024: Contract negotiations and signing of agreements.

September 2024: Next CNRI CFP is expected to be announced.

Focus Areas

A call for proposals (CFP) will be issued annually as part of the CNRI program. The 2023 CNRI CFP emphasizes low technology readiness level work to support technology development in order to accelerate future deployment of advanced reactors. The list of focus areas for the 2023 CNRI Advanced Reactor CFP are as follows:

Potential Award Details

Annually, CNL will enter into a series of jointly funded R&D projects that will utilize S&T services from CNL to accelerate advanced reactor technology development and support future deployments. Projects must be within the CNRI program focus areas, and are expected to be carried out by CNL staff. Subcontracts with other performing organizations may be included in the scope, but will not be eligible for fund sharing and will only be included at CNL’s discretion. Cost share ratios will be defined by CNL, with CNL contributing at most 50% of the commercial cost of the project. CNRI award is allocated on a project by project basis, and is not awarded directly to the successful proponent. Any changes to agreed upon project scope after an agreement is finalized must be approved by both CNL and the proponents.

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