Doing Business with Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL)
Prospective suppliers – this session is for you! CNL is not your typical customer, we work in a highly regulated, licensed environment which results in additional complexity for suppliers.
CNL’s Supply Chain team is hosting a prospective supplier information session on October 26, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. EST.
Tune in for information on the following topics:
- Working in the Nuclear Industry
- Procurement Process
- Contract Types
- Health & Safety
- Security & Radiation Protection
- Quality Assurance
- Performance Management
- Finance & Payment
- Sustainability
CNL plays a crucial role representing the Government of Canada and serving our commercial clients by delivering indispensable nuclear science and technology products and services. This contribution fosters a strong Canadian economy, a sustainable environment, and a prosperous society. Our capacity to execute these vital tasks relies significantly on the backing of our Contractor and Supplier networks. That is why we are committed to upholding consistent, punctual, and transparent communication with our Contractors, ensuring they are comprehensively informed about our protocols, methods, and approved working standards.
This session will be hosted over Microsoft Teams:
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 244 907 467 762
Passcode: sJT6jm
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 343-804-5411,,226114248# Canada, Ottawa-Hull
Phone Conference ID: 226 114 248# 1
For more information, please contact CNL’s Supply Chain team at supplierrelationships@cnl.ca